Make Your Lego History A Reality

Make Your Lego History A Reality

Lego's iconic interlocking blocks have challenged both adults and children for seven decades. If you cherished this article and you simply would like to obtain more info relating to top lego sets all time generously visit our web-page. Recently, the company surpassed Ferrari as the most strong brand in the world.

The first time consumers did not enjoy plastic toys. Many of the toys were returned following disappointing sales. Godtfred Kirk Christiansen, who was promoted to junior managing director in 1954, presented the idea of a interactive toy system.

The company's founder Ole Kirk Kristiansen

Ole Kirk Christiansen, a Danish carpenter, started his business making wooden toys, stepladders, and ironing boards in 1932. Incorporated his name and called Lego. Lego as a play-on-words for the Danish expression "play carefully."

When carpentry jobs slowed down during World War II he began creating plastic toys. This venture was not a huge success at first.

In 1947, he acquired an injection molding machine and invented the first interlocking plastic bricks. Then, he had his son Godtfred run the business.

The First Bricks

In 1932 Ole Kirk Christiansen founded LEGO in his workshop in Billund, Denmark. The company was named after the Danish phrase leg godt (play well).

In 1947, he became the first toy maker in Denmark to purchase a plastic injection-moulding machine. The company started making simple automatic bricks. They were renamed Lego bricks in 1949. They were upgraded with interlocking studs and tubes in the year 1958, which was the year before Christiansen died and his son Godtfred took over the business.

In 1969, Lego introduced Duplo bigger blocks designed for younger children. In nine years, they introduced the first Minifigures.

Second Bricks

Lego bricks have become the most loved childhood toys all over the world. What are they made from? Why do they hurt when you step on them?

By 1947, the company been able to shift from woodworking (ladders and stools, ironing boards) to the production of plastic toys. It had also bought an innovative injection molding machine, which enabled the production of what would later become the famous Lego bricks. They were referred to as Kiddicraft Self-locking Bricks. They were manufactured using cellulose acetate, which is which is a polymer that is still widely used for eyeglass frames today.

The Third Brick

Many LEGO shipment were returned in the 1950s due the low sales. Godtfred however, was determined to see his plastic toys become a hit. He sought out an overseas toy seller and designed the system that is now standard in which pieces click together.

Nine years later, the company released Minifigures, a line of yellow humanoid figures that became a staple of themed LEGO sets. Then, Lego introduced licensed themes, capitalising on popular movies such as Star Wars and Harry Potter.

The Fourth Brick

Since its creation the fundamental Lego brick has remained the same. Its dependable click coupling system is what has enabled it to last and expand over the generations of kids.

Toy makers also produce several sets with advanced features. They include the Technic line, which allows children to build realistic machines. The Duplo line, on the other hand, has larger bricks aimed at younger kids. In addition, LEGO has kept its finger firmly on the pulse of contemporary culture by partnering with major TV and film franchises.

The Fifth Bricks

Kristiansen bought a plastic injection-molding machine in 1947, which transformed the company. He bought a plastics injection molding machine that allowed Lego toys to be produced in large quantities.

In 1969, Duplo was introduced, which were larger bricks aimed at younger children. In 1977, Technic, a line of sets designed for older children was introduced with sets that included robots and programmable features. In 1978, Lego released its first minifigures.

The culture of childhood has been dominated by these tiny, flexible bricks. But what are they really made of?

The Sixth Bricks

With a growing following, LEGO began to introduce sets that could be completed and included all the parts. The new model was a huge hit, and customers were enticed to purchase sets time and repeatedly.

In 1969 the company introduced DUPLO, larger bricks that were more comfortable to manage for kids younger than. Nine years later, they released the Minifigure tiny, posable toy that featured a smiling face.

Today the company continues to thrive and keep its finger in the pulse of the world of pop culture. They've collaborated with the likes of Star Wars and Harry Potter to keep their offerings fresh and relevant to the new generation of customers.

The Seventh Bricks

In the year 1969, Lego launched the Duplo Series - a range of bigger blocks for young hands. In 1978, Lego launched the first minifigures that had arm and legs that could be moved.

In 1963, the LEGO bricks were made from ABS plastic instead of cellulose acetate. ABS is more durable and will keep its color longer.

LEGO has now produced a vast variety of toys and related products, including board games as well as retail stores, movies and theme parks.



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