Legos are a timeless toy that has inspired generations of kids and adults to create their own masterpieces. If you cherished this post and you would like to acquire much more information about top LEGO set for Christmas kindly pay a visit to our own page. It's a classic from the past that has inspired generations of children and adults alike to make their own unique masterpieces.
In 1947, Christiansen made a purchase that would alter the course of his business's the company's history. He bought a plastic injection molding machine, which allowed him to produce plastic toys that were more diverse and in greater quantity.
Ole Kirk Christiansen, a carpenter was the one behind the creation of LEGO, which was founded in Billund, Denmark, in 1932. When the Great Depression hit, Ole Kirk Christiansen envisioned creating wooden toys out of the leftover wood from his workshop. The first products he made were miniature ironing boards and stepladders they sold under the Danish name "leg godt" (play well).
In 1942, his shop and its blueprints were destroyed in a firestorm. However, in the spirit of resolving his responsibility to his workers, he repaired.
After the war, the business continued to expand and, in 1946 Christiansen bought a plastic injection molding machine. As he was experimenting with the machinery and equipment, he came up with the idea of making an plastic brick. Godtfred, his son, would later utilize this idea to create the modern interlocking block. Its enthralling click coupling is now the foundation of some of the most loved construction toys in the world. Christiansen passed away in 1958 shortly before his invention revolutionized the world of toys.
The first Lego set, the Town Plan was a set that consisted of streets which could be constructed using Lego bricks. Godtfred saw in this the beginning of dynamic play, which He believed was crucial for youngsters. It is a tenet which the Lego Group adheres to today.
In 1947, the company made a huge purchase that would revolutionize its entire operation the purchase of a plastic injection moulding machine. The sets that resulted included plastic sailor, plastic fish and bricks with automatic binding which were all precursors to the Lego blocks we use in the present.
The first LEGO building figures were made in the year 1975. It was built of four bricks and resembled a tiny robot. The peg-hands were different than what we have today. Over 50 prototypes were created before the perfect design was created and the minifigure was released. Next, the figures were fitted with wheels, which opened up an entirely new play area.
The first Lego bricks were not the interlocking blocks made from plastic, which later became famous. Instead, they were plastic "automatic binding bricks." These were made with flat tops, with an axle as well as a hollow bottom that could hold the wood. The "automatic binding bricks" were manufactured with a plastic injection molding process in which melted plastic was put into a mold.
These bricks were not popular. Because of the poor sales and a large number of bricks being returned. Godtfred persevered and after meeting with a buyer who was from the other side of the world, he saw the potential for creating an interconnected system of toys.
The company introduced its first Lego human figures in 1974 which later evolved into the posable, small-sized bricks we know today. In the year 1975, Lego started selling sets which were more complicated for older kids. The sets would later be referred to as Lego Technic. These sets contained small parts like gears, universal joints and levers. This would lead to the development of the stud-andcoupling system which allows Lego pieces to be joined together to create more intricate models.
Although they are the most well-known component of Lego sets today, the minifigures were not an important invention until much later in the history of the company. The first Lego minifigures came out around the mid 70s or in 1975 to be exact.
These figures are based on astronauts and police officers, both of which appear more realistic than current toy soldiers. This was a major improvement and would create Lego sets more exciting for children.
It was also the first time LEGO introduced different skin tones, although it would take a while before they actually got the chance to add a female head that wasn't one with a white face. In 2002 the first female head that had smiling faces were released. It's been more than 30 years since a head coded as being old was added. Nevertheless, they're getting better.
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